Reborn dolls are adorable baby replicas that are crafted by professional artists. These baby replicas are hand-painted with eyebrows and carefully planted hair. Their hands and feet can be rotated and placed accordingly. Clothing is custom-made for the doll's size. The doll's package includes a birth certificate, a bottle of milk, and a basket. Reborn dolls are made to order. Reborn dolls are available in a wide range of skin tones, ages, and genders. Their realistic features and real hair are hand-rooted to bring out realism. They also feature custom outfits, bunting, and cozy blankets. If you liked this article and you would like to obtain more info about [[|my latest blog post]] please visit our own web site. These baby dolls are complete from head to toe. Many of them are part of a larger collection of collectible baby dolls. Whether you want a single reborn baby boy or an entire collection, you'll find the right one for you. Reborn baby boys have realistic hair and features. They have a custom outfit with adorable animal ears, a soft bunting, and a sweet smile. Their appearance is perfect from head to toe, and they are part of a larger collection of collectible baby dolls. If you're searching for a special baby boy, consider purchasing a reborn baby boy. You won't regret it.