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Odem (ODEM)
A Mediterranean mandarinplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigСредиземноморский
Citrus deliciosa
Синонимы (сорта): Amarillo, Arbi, Avana, Avana Adireno, Avana di Palermo, Avana di Paterno, Ba Ahmed, Baladi, Belady, Beldi, Beledi, Beledy, Blida, Bodrum, Boufarik, Commune, Comun, Comun 4n, Comune, Comun, Comun poca semilla, de Ba Ahmed, de Blidah, de Nice, de Provence, de Situbal, de Valence, de Willat, del Mediterraneo, D'Eze, di Palermo, di Paterno, Effendi, Gallego, Havana, Havana of Palermo, China, China Celestial, China Mandarin, Chino, Italian, Ivoli… variety of medium maturity characterized by easy peeling of the rind and high taste, aroma, absence of seeds and good yield (50–70 kg per tree). The size of the fruit is medium, the shape is flattened-round, the rind is rich dark orange color. In Israel it ripens 2-4 weeks earlier than Orri.
In 1985 a hybrid was obtained by controlled crossing between the mandarin ORAH (female parent) and a mandarin, which later received the varietal name SHANI (pollinator). The seedling of the resulting hybrid was subjected to a radiation irradiation procedure in 1996 and the mutation resulted in a new variety that was released in 2005 and named ODEM. The variety was released by the Israeli Ministry of Agriculture in 2012.