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        • Chernomorskyplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigChernomorsky

          Mandarin Chernomorsky (№320, hybrid 320, Chernomorsky 320) is a hybrid of mandarin start and mandarin Shiva-mikan created by Zorin F. M. at the Sochi Experimental Station.


          Zorin's 1964 description:

          "Mandarin No. 320 (Chernomorsky variety). Obtained from crossing Unshiu mandarin with Shiva-mikan.
        • Mandarinplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigMandarin

          Mandarin - genus: citrus. Family:rutovye. Word came into Russian from the Portuguese word mandarin meaning [official]. The fruit of this plant is also called tangerine.

      • Genus Citrusplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigGenus Citrus

        Genus Citrus
    • sidebarplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_big---------- en index
    • Citrusariumplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigCitrusarium

      Citrusarium is a project about the world of citrus. On the site you can find information about any species, subspecies, variety of citrus fruits, and if something is not there yet, anyone can register and add the necessary page.
