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Brown, John

Dr. John Robert Brown (Dr. John R. Brown, 08.01.1921 – 01.04.2010) was a family physician from Texas, USA (not to be confused with his partial namesake, also a physician from the United States). Enthusiastic citrus breeder. One of the pioneers of “hardycitrusology”. He has been involved in the breeding of hardy citrus fruits since the early 1950s.

Bred citrus hybrids

John Brown has bred many citrus hybrids of greater or lesser frost resistance. Information about most of them came to us from the article C. T. Kennedy, John R. Brown - The Hardy Citrus of Texas (1992), written by C. T. Kennedy based on notes by Dr. Brown. Most of these hybrids have been lost, but some have remained and are being preserved by amateur and professional citrus breeders such as Gaylord Ventura, Stan McKenzie, Hershell Boyd and others. Below is a list of hybrids obtained by John Brown based on data from articles and information from the Internet (forums, blogs).

Translated with (free version)

  • Citempl's (“Edible”, “Citemsweet” (Citempl “Sweet”), “Citbeau” (Citemple “Beautiful”)),
  • Citbeau × Bloomsweet,
  • YuSanfordtrange (Yuzu × Sanford citrange),
  • Valencia by Chapman (YuSanfordtrange × Satsuma monoembrionic),
  • SMYSF (Satsuma monoembrionic × YuSanfordtrange),
  • CEI's (CiTemple “Edible” × C. ichangensis) (CEI #1),
  • CEI #1 × “Tomasville” citrangequat,
  • CEI #1 × CEMorton,
  • CEI #1 × Clemichangensis,
  • CEI #1 × Morton
  • CEI #1 × Clementine,
  • CEI #1 × Ujikitsu,
  • “Sanford F2” citrumelo (open pollination of “Sanford” citrange, probably with C. paradisi or C. maxima),
  • SanCitBloomsweet's (“Sanford” citrumelo × Bloomsweet) (#9),
  • Ciclem's ('Dimicelli', 'Backyard', 'Hardy Fruitful '90', 'Ciclemsweet', CiClem #10),
  • CiMineola (C. trifoliata × tangelo “Mineola”),
  • NaMeiwa's (Nagami × Meiwa) (#1),
  • NaMeiwa's #1 × Glen,
  • Nagami × F. hindsii,
  • Meyerquat, (?)
  • NameiMQ (Nameiwa × Meyerquat),
  • NagamiMQ (Nagami × Meyerquat),
  • Clementine × Tomasville,
  • Nagami × Tomasville,
  • CiChinotto's (Chinotto × trifoliata) (“Large-leaf”),
  • ChangshaYuzu (#1, #2),
  • ChangshaGlen,
  • SanCitChang (#1, #2, #3, #5, #9),
  • Changsha × Ichangensis,
  • Seedles Kumquat (Meiwa × Nagami),
  • OP. Nagami,
  • Clementine × Yuzu hybrids (Clem-Yuz 2-2, Clem-Yuz 3-3),
  • Yuzuquat
  • Yuzvange
  • Ten-Degree Kumquat
  • (Poncirus × Yuzu) × Clementine
  • Citrumelo × Changsha
  • Changsha × Clementine
  • (Citrumelo × Changsha) × Clementine
  • Changsha x Yuzu (broadleaf),
  • Sancitchang #3,
  • (Poncirus x Yuzu) x Clem,
  • Changsha x Yuzu (willowleaf),
  • Ichang x Clementine,
  • Clementine x morton citrange,
  • (Ichang x Clementine) x Clementine.


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en/persons/brown_john.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/08 13:17 by boris_r