Свингл, Уолтер Теннисон
Печатные работы, касающиеся цитрусовых
- Hybrids and their utilization in plant breeding (1897) Swingle, Webber
- New citrus creations of the Department of Agriculture (1904) Webber, Swingle (цитранжи Раск и Уилитс, танжело Самсон и танжерин Уэшарт)
- New citrous fruits (1913) Swingle W. T. (цитранжи, лаймкваты, танжело)
- Citrus Ichangensis, a Promising, Hardy, New Species from Southwestern China and Assam (1913) Swingle, Walter
- Citropsis, a New Tropical African Genus Allied to Citrus (1914) Swingle, et al.
- Eremocitrus, A New Genus of Hardy, Drouth-Resistant Citrous Fruits from Australia (1914) Swingle, Walter
- A New Species of Pistacia Native to Southwestern Texas, P. texana (1920) Swingle, Walter T.
- Two Important New Types of Citrous Hybrids for the Home Garden-Citrangequats and Limequats (1923) Swingle, et al.
- Citranges and Some Related Hybrid Fruits (1927) Swingle, Robinson U.S. Dept. Agr. Yearbook 1926: 223-225.
Зеркло 2
- Date Growing: A New Industry for Southwest States (1927) Swingle, Walter
- Limequat: A New Hardy Ade Fruit (1927) Swingle, et al.
- Citrus Specialists Find New Methods of Propagation (1928) Swingle, et al.
- New citrus hybrids (1931) W.T. Swingle, T.R. Robinson, E.M. Savage, US Department of Agriculture, No. 181.
- Clymenia and Burkillanthus, New Genera Also Three New Species of Pleiospermium (Rutaceae-Aurantioideae) (1939) Swingle, Walter T.
- Three New Species of Citropsis, Also New Varieties of Atalantia and Fortunella (Rutaceae-Aurantioideae) (1940) Swingle, Walter T.
- Three new varieties and two new combinations in Citrus and related genera of the orange subfamily (1942) Swingle, Walter T. (Citrus macroptera var. Kerrii, Citrus reticulata var. austera, Murraya alata var. hainensis, Clausena heptaphilla var. Engleri, Murraya microphilla)
- Walter T. Swingle: 1871-1952 (1953) W. Seifriz, Science, 118(3063), 288–289.
DOI: 10.1126/science.118.3063.288
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